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the hunt for a new bo&co october

9 Oct 2023

Anyone care to explain how we got to October already?


After a quiet(ish) few months, we've kicked off this school year travelling all over the country to deliver bold, exciting work and activities to and by hundreds of artists and participants.


And wasn't LIVE: Scarborough great? It was a privilege to share the brand-new work of Michelle, JJ, Lel, lowercase, Gabe, Maddy and Raina, with dozens of people in the space with us at the SJT and hundreds watching online. Over the past couple of years we've supported nearly a hundred artists through this programme, and still every single piece has been totally different. We're now taking time to think about how we can make LIVE even better, but you'll be the first to know when we've cooked something up.


Speaking of new beginnings, we're now on the lookout for our next Barrel Organ & Company cohort. If you're a theatre company looking to make your first piece of work, we'll offer you one-to-one mentoring for a year, a platform at NSDF, travel expenses and £500 to help get that first show off the ground! You can find more details and info on how to apply by clicking here. We're still supporting this year's company, lowercase, for the next couple of months, and (hopefully) there'll be some details on upcoming work-in-progress events of theirs to share in the near future!


This month also marks the beginning of our second Campfire project with Doncaster Mind. While we continue to work with last year's group on their brilliant play Harry, we'll be welcoming new folks into the fold to explore nature and wellbeing through collective writing. Keep an eye on our social media feeds for more info!


And our Arthur workshops continue with young people across Yorkshire. It'll be 2025 before we show a lot of this work more widely, but if you're a young person in Yorkshire and are keen to get involved, let us know! With the news full of commentary from party conference season and discussions about how power currently works (or doesn't), it's refreshing and invigorating to think about new models of leadership with the next generation.



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Images by Giulia Delprato, Samantha Dixon, Megan Fielding, Charlie Jenkins, Sophie Manoury, Aenne Pallasca, Joseph Samuel Priestley, Joe Twigg, and The Other Richard


Barrel Organ is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Reg. Charity No. (England & Wales) 1198668

Website by Nkhanise Phiri



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