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cambridge junction young company

In Autumn 2018, Barrel Organ collaborated with the Cambridge Junction Young Company to explore collaborative theatre practice, to engage with what it meant to make politically-engaged work, and to discover a unique style of being comfortable being yourself on stage.

The scheme of work was built around the young people’s responses to the question: “What is Truth?”

The scheme of workshops covered the following:

  • Exploring a political provocation, where the young participants contributed what they thought, how they felt, and wrote their own stories about the topic of “truth”.

  • Discovering how engaging it is to watch a person on-stage ‘not-perform’, but be themselves, and talk directly to the audience.

  • Becoming more empowered as performers, becoming more comfortable to ‘just be you’ on stage, without the need for a mask of ‘character’.

  • Focusing on telling their stories as opposed to someone else's - part of the nature of “being yourself on stage” is that it foregrounds you.

  • Developing their skills in ensemble work, and alternative approaches to devised theatre.

  • Experimenting with using improvisation and un-fixed elements in performance.


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Images by Giulia Delprato, Samantha Dixon, Megan Fielding, Charlie Jenkins, Sophie Manoury, Aenne Pallasca, Joseph Samuel Priestley, Joe Twigg, and The Other Richard

Barrel Organ is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Reg. Charity No. (England & Wales) 1198668

Website by Nkhanise Phiri



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