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youth advisory panel

“No other programme I have been a part of, designed for young people, has centred that particular group nor enabled that specific cohort to help mould the engagement. Other programmes have always felt cookie-mould, more concerned with *appearing* to centre young people and not necessarily actually listening to the group in front of them. YAP meaningfully engages, over a long period - a rare opportunity itself - which will enable us to grow together.”

YAP member

(+44) 07894240982

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Images by Giulia Delprato, Samantha Dixon, Megan Fielding, Charlie Jenkins, Sophie Manoury, Aenne Pallasca, Joseph Samuel Priestley, Joe Twigg, and The Other Richard

Barrel Organ is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Reg. Charity No. (England & Wales) 1198668

Website by Nkhanise Phiri



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